Company Form 26 for Lake County Indiana
BETA FOR County Forms - click the blue shadow buttons below to see a form by number. Click on The Expand link to show all data for your company or office. Yes, you can have multiple companies.

The first step is to create a Company (or Office if internal Lake County user) as most forms require Company information. Note that you will still have to have your forms notarized. This is beta software so Onyx is not responsible for errors, omissions, or bad data of any form. In other words, you use this at your own risk.

Create a Company (To create forms automatically)
LAKE COUNTY FORM 26: July 1, 2020

1. This Department is requesting in the attached claim form that the Board of Commissioners of the County of Lake authorize and sign for a hand cut check.

2. Attached to the request is the supporting documentation.

3. By Lake County Council ordinance, all hand cut checks are issued by the Auditor after approval by the Board of Commissioners and then placed on the next Commissioner monthly meeting for ratification. This procedure was approved in the 2015 exit audit performed by the Indiana State Board of Accounts.

4. Vendor Name
Approval Date
Description of Service

DATE: ___________________


Printed Name & Department



NOTE: This request will not be accepted if #4 above is not completed.